A fast and simple modification of Newton's method helping to avoid
saddle points
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.01512v4
- Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2021 14:26:11 GMT
- Title: A fast and simple modification of Newton's method helping to avoid
saddle points
- Authors: Tuyen Trung Truong, Tat Dat To, Tuan Hang Nguyen, Thu Hang Nguyen,
Hoang Phuong Nguyen, Maged Helmy
- Abstract summary: This paper roughly says that if $f$ is $C3$ and a sequence $x_n$, then the limit point is a critical point and is not a saddle point, and the convergence rate is the same as that of Newton's method.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We propose in this paper New Q-Newton's method. The update rule is very
simple conceptually, for example $x_{n+1}=x_n-w_n$ where
$w_n=pr_{A_n,+}(v_n)-pr_{A_n,-}(v_n)$, with $A_n=\nabla ^2f(x_n)+\delta
_n||\nabla f(x_n)||^2.Id$ and $v_n=A_n^{-1}.\nabla f(x_n)$. Here $\delta _n$ is
an appropriate real number so that $A_n$ is invertible, and $pr_{A_n,\pm}$ are
projections to the vector subspaces generated by eigenvectors of positive
(correspondingly negative) eigenvalues of $A_n$.
The main result of this paper roughly says that if $f$ is $C^3$ (can be
unbounded from below) and a sequence $\{x_n\}$, constructed by the New
Q-Newton's method from a random initial point $x_0$, {\bf converges}, then the
limit point is a critical point and is not a saddle point, and the convergence
rate is the same as that of Newton's method. The first author has recently been
successful incorporating Backtracking line search to New Q-Newton's method,
thus resolving the convergence guarantee issue observed for some (non-smooth)
cost functions. An application to quickly finding zeros of a univariate
meromorphic function will be discussed. Various experiments are performed,
against well known algorithms such as BFGS and Adaptive Cubic Regularization
are presented.
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