Generalisations and improvements of New Q-Newton's method Backtracking
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- Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2021 14:28:15 GMT
- Title: Generalisations and improvements of New Q-Newton's method Backtracking
- Authors: Tuyen Trung Truong
- Abstract summary: We propose a general framework for the algorithm New Q-Newton's method Backtracking.
In this paper, we allow more flexibility and gradientity, for example $1$ or $e_m(x)$'s are not necessarily eigenvectors of $nabla 2f(x)$.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In this paper, we propose a general framework for the algorithm New
Q-Newton's method Backtracking, developed in the author's previous work. For a
symmetric, square real matrix $A$, we define $minsp(A):=\min _{||e||=1}
||Ae||$. Given a $C^2$ cost function $f:\mathbb{R}^m\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ and
a real number $0<\tau $, as well as $m+1$ fixed real numbers $\delta _0,\ldots
,\delta _m$, we define for each $x\in \mathbb{R}^m$ with $\nabla f(x)\not= 0$
the following quantities:
$\kappa :=\min _{i\not= j}|\delta _i-\delta _j|$;
$A(x):=\nabla ^2f(x)+\delta ||\nabla f(x)||^{\tau}Id$, where $\delta$ is the
first element in the sequence $\{\delta _0,\ldots ,\delta _m\}$ for which
$minsp(A(x))\geq \kappa ||\nabla f(x)||^{\tau}$;
$e_1(x),\ldots ,e_m(x)$ are an orthonormal basis of $\mathbb{R}^m$, chosen
$w(x)=$ the step direction, given by the formula: $$w(x)=\sum
_{i=1}^m\frac{<\nabla f(x),e_i(x)>}{||A(x)e_i(x)||}e_i(x);$$ (we can also
normalise by $w(x)/\max \{1,||w(x)||\}$ when needed)
$\gamma (x)>0$ learning rate chosen by Backtracking line search so that
Armijo's condition is satisfied: $$f(x-\gamma (x)w(x))-f(x)\leq
-\frac{1}{3}\gamma (x)<\nabla f(x),w(x)>.$$
The update rule for our algorithm is $x\mapsto H(x)=x-\gamma (x)w(x)$.
In New Q-Newton's method Backtracking, the choices are $\tau =1+\alpha >1$
and $e_1(x),\ldots ,e_m(x)$'s are eigenvectors of $\nabla ^2f(x)$. In this
paper, we allow more flexibility and generality, for example $\tau$ can be
chosen to be $<1$ or $e_1(x),\ldots ,e_m(x)$'s are not necessarily eigenvectors
of $\nabla ^2f(x)$.
New Q-Newton's method Backtracking (as well as Backtracking gradient descent)
is a special case, and some versions have flavours of quasi-Newton's methods.
Several versions allow good theoretical guarantees. An application to solving
systems of polynomial equations is given.
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