Quadruply Stochastic Gaussian Processes
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.03015v1
- Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2020 17:06:25 GMT
- Title: Quadruply Stochastic Gaussian Processes
- Authors: Trefor W. Evans and Prasanth B. Nair
- Abstract summary: We introduce a variational inference procedure for training scalable Gaussian process (GP) models whose per-iteration complexity is independent of both the number of training points, $n$, and the number basis functions used in the kernel approximation, $m$.
We demonstrate accurate inference on large classification and regression datasets using GPs and relevance vector machines with up to $m = 107$ basis functions.
- Score: 10.152838128195466
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We introduce a stochastic variational inference procedure for training
scalable Gaussian process (GP) models whose per-iteration complexity is
independent of both the number of training points, $n$, and the number basis
functions used in the kernel approximation, $m$. Our central contributions
include an unbiased stochastic estimator of the evidence lower bound (ELBO) for
a Gaussian likelihood, as well as a stochastic estimator that lower bounds the
ELBO for several other likelihoods such as Laplace and logistic. Independence
of the stochastic optimization update complexity on $n$ and $m$ enables
inference on huge datasets using large capacity GP models. We demonstrate
accurate inference on large classification and regression datasets using GPs
and relevance vector machines with up to $m = 10^7$ basis functions.
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