Phase space theory for open quantum systems with local and collective
dissipative processes
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- Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2020 07:22:02 GMT
- Title: Phase space theory for open quantum systems with local and collective
dissipative processes
- Authors: Konrad Merkel, Valentin Link, Kimmo Luoma and Walter T. Strunz
- Abstract summary: We investigate driven dissipative quantum dynamics of an ensemble of two-level systems given by a Markovian master equation with collective and noncollective dissipators.
Our results expose, utilize and promote pioneered techniques in the context of laser theory.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: In this article we investigate driven dissipative quantum dynamics of an
ensemble of two-level systems given by a Markovian master equation with
collective and non-collective dissipators. Exploiting the permutation symmetry
in our model, we employ a phase space approach for the solution of this
equation in terms of a diagonal representation with respect to certain
generalized spin coherent states. Remarkably, this allows to interpolate
between mean-field theory and finite system size in a formalism independent of
Hilbert-space dimension. Moreover, in certain parameter regimes, the evolution
equation for the corresponding quasiprobability distribution resembles a
Fokker-Planck equation, which can be efficiently solved by stochastic calculus.
Then, the dynamics can be seen as classical in the sense that no entanglement
between the two-level systems is generated. Our results expose, utilize and
promote techniques pioneered in the context of laser theory, which we now apply
to problems of current theoretical and experimental interest.
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