An Efficient $k$-modes Algorithm for Clustering Categorical Datasets
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- Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2021 20:18:20 GMT
- Title: An Efficient $k$-modes Algorithm for Clustering Categorical Datasets
- Authors: Karin S. Dorman and Ranjan Maitra
- Abstract summary: We provide a novel, computationally efficient implementation of $k$-modes, called OTQT.
We prove that OTQT finds updates to improve the objective function that are undetectable to existing $k$-modes algorithms.
OTQT is always more accurate per iteration and almost always faster (and only barely slower on some datasets) to the final optimum.
- Score: 8.528384027684194
- License:
- Abstract: Mining clusters from data is an important endeavor in many applications. The
$k$-means method is a popular, efficient, and distribution-free approach for
clustering numerical-valued data, but does not apply for categorical-valued
observations. The $k$-modes method addresses this lacuna by replacing the
Euclidean with the Hamming distance and the means with the modes in the
$k$-means objective function. We provide a novel, computationally efficient
implementation of $k$-modes, called OTQT. We prove that OTQT finds updates to
improve the objective function that are undetectable to existing $k$-modes
algorithms. Although slightly slower per iteration due to algorithmic
complexity, OTQT is always more accurate per iteration and almost always faster
(and only barely slower on some datasets) to the final optimum. Thus, we
recommend OTQT as the preferred, default algorithm for $k$-modes optimization.
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