AI Feynman 2.0: Pareto-optimal symbolic regression exploiting graph
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- Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2020 17:58:47 GMT
- Title: AI Feynman 2.0: Pareto-optimal symbolic regression exploiting graph
- Authors: Silviu-Marian Udrescu, Andrew Tan, Jiahai Feng, Orisvaldo Neto, Tailin
Wu, Max Tegmark
- Abstract summary: We present an improved method for symbolic regression that seeks to fit data to formulas that are Pareto-optimal.
It improves on the previous state-of-the-art by typically being orders of magnitude more robust toward noise and bad data.
We develop a method for discovering generalized symmetries from gradient properties of a neural network fit.
- Score: 8.594811303203581
- License:
- Abstract: We present an improved method for symbolic regression that seeks to fit data
to formulas that are Pareto-optimal, in the sense of having the best accuracy
for a given complexity. It improves on the previous state-of-the-art by
typically being orders of magnitude more robust toward noise and bad data, and
also by discovering many formulas that stumped previous methods. We develop a
method for discovering generalized symmetries (arbitrary modularity in the
computational graph of a formula) from gradient properties of a neural network
fit. We use normalizing flows to generalize our symbolic regression method to
probability distributions from which we only have samples, and employ
statistical hypothesis testing to accelerate robust brute-force search.
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