AutoOD: Automated Outlier Detection via Curiosity-guided Search and
Self-imitation Learning
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2020 18:57:51 GMT
- Title: AutoOD: Automated Outlier Detection via Curiosity-guided Search and
Self-imitation Learning
- Authors: Yuening Li, Zhengzhang Chen, Daochen Zha, Kaixiong Zhou, Haifeng Jin,
Haifeng Chen, Xia Hu
- Abstract summary: Outlier detection is an important data mining task with numerous practical applications.
We propose AutoOD, an automated outlier detection framework, which aims to search for an optimal neural network model.
Experimental results on various real-world benchmark datasets demonstrate that the deep model identified by AutoOD achieves the best performance.
- Score: 72.99415402575886
- License:
- Abstract: Outlier detection is an important data mining task with numerous practical
applications such as intrusion detection, credit card fraud detection, and
video surveillance. However, given a specific complicated task with big data,
the process of building a powerful deep learning based system for outlier
detection still highly relies on human expertise and laboring trials. Although
Neural Architecture Search (NAS) has shown its promise in discovering effective
deep architectures in various domains, such as image classification, object
detection, and semantic segmentation, contemporary NAS methods are not suitable
for outlier detection due to the lack of intrinsic search space, unstable
search process, and low sample efficiency. To bridge the gap, in this paper, we
propose AutoOD, an automated outlier detection framework, which aims to search
for an optimal neural network model within a predefined search space.
Specifically, we firstly design a curiosity-guided search strategy to overcome
the curse of local optimality. A controller, which acts as a search agent, is
encouraged to take actions to maximize the information gain about the
controller's internal belief. We further introduce an experience replay
mechanism based on self-imitation learning to improve the sample efficiency.
Experimental results on various real-world benchmark datasets demonstrate that
the deep model identified by AutoOD achieves the best performance, comparing
with existing handcrafted models and traditional search methods.
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