Relative gradient optimization of the Jacobian term in unsupervised deep
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- Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 00:42:59 GMT
- Title: Relative gradient optimization of the Jacobian term in unsupervised deep
- Authors: Luigi Gresele, Giancarlo Fissore, Adri\'an Javaloy, Bernhard
Sch\"olkopf and Aapo Hyv\"arinen
- Abstract summary: Learning expressive probabilistic models correctly describing the data is a ubiquitous problem in machine learning.
Deep density models have been widely used for this task, but their maximum likelihood based training requires estimating the log-determinant of the Jacobian.
We propose a new approach for exact training of such neural networks.
- Score: 9.385902422987677
- License:
- Abstract: Learning expressive probabilistic models correctly describing the data is a
ubiquitous problem in machine learning. A popular approach for solving it is
mapping the observations into a representation space with a simple joint
distribution, which can typically be written as a product of its marginals --
thus drawing a connection with the field of nonlinear independent component
analysis. Deep density models have been widely used for this task, but their
maximum likelihood based training requires estimating the log-determinant of
the Jacobian and is computationally expensive, thus imposing a trade-off
between computation and expressive power. In this work, we propose a new
approach for exact training of such neural networks. Based on relative
gradients, we exploit the matrix structure of neural network parameters to
compute updates efficiently even in high-dimensional spaces; the computational
cost of the training is quadratic in the input size, in contrast with the cubic
scaling of naive approaches. This allows fast training with objective functions
involving the log-determinant of the Jacobian, without imposing constraints on
its structure, in stark contrast to autoregressive normalizing flows.
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