Hands-on Bayesian Neural Networks -- a Tutorial for Deep Learning Users
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.06823v3
- Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2022 08:37:30 GMT
- Title: Hands-on Bayesian Neural Networks -- a Tutorial for Deep Learning Users
- Authors: Laurent Valentin Jospin and Wray Buntine and Farid Boussaid and Hamid
Laga and Mohammed Bennamoun
- Abstract summary: Bayesian statistics offer a formalism to understand and quantify the uncertainty associated with deep neural network predictions.
This tutorial provides an overview of the relevant literature and a complete toolset to design, implement train, use and evaluate Bayesian Neural Networks.
- Score: 27.764388500937983
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Modern deep learning methods constitute incredibly powerful tools to tackle a
myriad of challenging problems. However, since deep learning methods operate as
black boxes, the uncertainty associated with their predictions is often
challenging to quantify. Bayesian statistics offer a formalism to understand
and quantify the uncertainty associated with deep neural network predictions.
This tutorial provides an overview of the relevant literature and a complete
toolset to design, implement, train, use and evaluate Bayesian Neural Networks,
i.e. Stochastic Artificial Neural Networks trained using Bayesian methods.
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