A Technical Report for VIPriors Image Classification Challenge
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.08722v1
- Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2020 02:30:09 GMT
- Title: A Technical Report for VIPriors Image Classification Challenge
- Authors: Zhipeng Luo, Ge Li, Zhiguang Zhang
- Abstract summary: This paper is a brief report to our submission to the VIPriors Image Classification Challenge.
In this challenge, the difficulty is how to train the model from scratch without any pretrained weight.
The final Top-1 accuracy of our team DeepBlueAI is 0.7015, ranking second in the leaderboard.
- Score: 25.421167550087205
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Image classification has always been a hot and challenging task. This paper
is a brief report to our submission to the VIPriors Image Classification
Challenge. In this challenge, the difficulty is how to train the model from
scratch without any pretrained weight. In our method, several strong backbones
and multiple loss functions are used to learn more representative features. To
improve the models' generalization and robustness, efficient image augmentation
strategies are utilized, like autoaugment and cutmix. Finally, ensemble
learning is used to increase the performance of the models. The final Top-1
accuracy of our team DeepBlueAI is 0.7015, ranking second in the leaderboard.
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