Proof of Learning (PoLe): Empowering Machine Learning with Consensus
Building on Blockchains
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 22:53:43 GMT
- Title: Proof of Learning (PoLe): Empowering Machine Learning with Consensus
Building on Blockchains
- Authors: Yixiao Lan, Yuan Liu, Boyang Li
- Abstract summary: We propose a new consensus mechanism, Proof of Learning (PoLe), which directs the spent for consensus toward optimization of neural networks (NN)
In our mechanism, the training/testing data are released to the entire blockchain network (BCN) and the consensus nodes train NN models on the data.
We show that PoLe can achieve a more stable block generation rate, which leads to more efficient transaction processing.
- Score: 7.854034211489588
- License:
- Abstract: The progress of deep learning (DL), especially the recent development of
automatic design of networks, has brought unprecedented performance gains at
heavy computational cost. On the other hand, blockchain systems routinely
perform a huge amount of computation that does not achieve practical purposes
in order to build Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus from decentralized
participants. In this paper, we propose a new consensus mechanism, Proof of
Learning (PoLe), which directs the computation spent for consensus toward
optimization of neural networks (NN). In our mechanism, the training/testing
data are released to the entire blockchain network (BCN) and the consensus
nodes train NN models on the data, which serves as the proof of learning. When
the consensus on the BCN considers a NN model to be valid, a new block is
appended to the blockchain. We experimentally compare the PoLe protocol with
Proof of Work (PoW) and show that PoLe can achieve a more stable block
generation rate, which leads to more efficient transaction processing. We also
introduce a novel cheating prevention mechanism, Secure Mapping Layer (SML),
which can be straightforwardly implemented as a linear NN layer. Empirical
evaluation shows that SML can detect cheating nodes at small cost to the
predictive performance.
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