Weakly supervised one-stage vision and language disease detection using
large scale pneumonia and pneumothorax studies
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.15778v1
- Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2020 00:04:14 GMT
- Title: Weakly supervised one-stage vision and language disease detection using
large scale pneumonia and pneumothorax studies
- Authors: Leo K. Tam, Xiaosong Wang, Evrim Turkbey, Kevin Lu, Yuhong Wen, and
Daguang Xu
- Abstract summary: We present a new set of radiologist paired bounding box and natural language annotations on the publicly available MIMIC-CXR dataset.
We also present a joint vision language weakly supervised transformer layer-selected one-stage dual head detection architecture (LITERATI)
The architectural modifications address three obstacles -- implementing a supervised vision and language detection method in a weakly supervised fashion, incorporating clinical referring expression natural language information, and generating high fidelity detections with map probabilities.
- Score: 9.34633748515622
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Detecting clinically relevant objects in medical images is a challenge
despite large datasets due to the lack of detailed labels. To address the label
issue, we utilize the scene-level labels with a detection architecture that
incorporates natural language information. We present a challenging new set of
radiologist paired bounding box and natural language annotations on the
publicly available MIMIC-CXR dataset especially focussed on pneumonia and
pneumothorax. Along with the dataset, we present a joint vision language weakly
supervised transformer layer-selected one-stage dual head detection
architecture (LITERATI) alongside strong baseline comparisons with class
activation mapping (CAM), gradient CAM, and relevant implementations on the NIH
ChestXray-14 and MIMIC-CXR dataset. Borrowing from advances in vision language
architectures, the LITERATI method demonstrates joint image and referring
expression (objects localized in the image using natural language) input for
detection that scales in a purely weakly supervised fashion. The architectural
modifications address three obstacles -- implementing a supervised vision and
language detection method in a weakly supervised fashion, incorporating
clinical referring expression natural language information, and generating high
fidelity detections with map probabilities. Nevertheless, the challenging
clinical nature of the radiologist annotations including subtle references,
multi-instance specifications, and relatively verbose underlying medical
reports, ensures the vision language detection task at scale remains
stimulating for future investigation.
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