Continuous Optimization Benchmarks by Simulation
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- Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2020 08:50:57 GMT
- Title: Continuous Optimization Benchmarks by Simulation
- Authors: Martin Zaefferer and Frederik Rehbach
- Abstract summary: Benchmark experiments are required to test, compare, tune, and understand optimization algorithms.
Data from previous evaluations can be used to train surrogate models which are then used for benchmarking.
We show that the spectral simulation method enables simulation for continuous optimization problems.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: Benchmark experiments are required to test, compare, tune, and understand
optimization algorithms. Ideally, benchmark problems closely reflect real-world
problem behavior. Yet, real-world problems are not always readily available for
benchmarking. For example, evaluation costs may be too high, or resources are
unavailable (e.g., software or equipment). As a solution, data from previous
evaluations can be used to train surrogate models which are then used for
benchmarking. The goal is to generate test functions on which the performance
of an algorithm is similar to that on the real-world objective function.
However, predictions from data-driven models tend to be smoother than the
ground-truth from which the training data is derived. This is especially
problematic when the training data becomes sparse. The resulting benchmarks may
not reflect the landscape features of the ground-truth, are too easy, and may
lead to biased conclusions. To resolve this, we use simulation of Gaussian
processes instead of estimation (or prediction). This retains the covariance
properties estimated during model training. While previous research suggested a
decomposition-based approach for a small-scale, discrete problem, we show that
the spectral simulation method enables simulation for continuous optimization
problems. In a set of experiments with an artificial ground-truth, we
demonstrate that this yields more accurate benchmarks than simply predicting
with the Gaussian process model.
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