Topological Gradient-based Competitive Learning
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- Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2020 13:44:38 GMT
- Title: Topological Gradient-based Competitive Learning
- Authors: Pietro Barbiero, Gabriele Ciravegna, Vincenzo Randazzo, Giansalvo
- Abstract summary: This work is to present a novel comprehensive theory aspiring at bridging competitive learning with gradient-based learning.
We fully demonstrate the theoretical equivalence of two novel gradient-based competitive layers.
Preliminary experiments show how the dual approach, trained on the transpose of the input matrix, lead to faster convergence rate and higher training accuracy both in low and high-dimensional scenarios.
- Score: 1.6752712949948443
- License:
- Abstract: Topological learning is a wide research area aiming at uncovering the mutual
spatial relationships between the elements of a set. Some of the most common
and oldest approaches involve the use of unsupervised competitive neural
networks. However, these methods are not based on gradient optimization which
has been proven to provide striking results in feature extraction also in
unsupervised learning. Unfortunately, by focusing mostly on algorithmic
efficiency and accuracy, deep clustering techniques are composed of overly
complex feature extractors, while using trivial algorithms in their top layer.
The aim of this work is to present a novel comprehensive theory aspiring at
bridging competitive learning with gradient-based learning, thus allowing the
use of extremely powerful deep neural networks for feature extraction and
projection combined with the remarkable flexibility and expressiveness of
competitive learning. In this paper we fully demonstrate the theoretical
equivalence of two novel gradient-based competitive layers. Preliminary
experiments show how the dual approach, trained on the transpose of the input
matrix i.e. $X^T$, lead to faster convergence rate and higher training accuracy
both in low and high-dimensional scenarios.
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