Fast Immune System Inspired Hypermutation Operators for Combinatorial
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- Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2020 16:22:57 GMT
- Title: Fast Immune System Inspired Hypermutation Operators for Combinatorial
- Authors: D. Corus, P. S. Oliveto, D. Yazdani
- Abstract summary: We propose modifications to the traditional hypermutations with mutation potential.
We show the superiority of the HMP operators to the traditional ones in an analysis of the complete standard Opt-IA AIS.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: Various studies have shown that immune system inspired hypermutation
operators can allow artificial immune systems (AIS) to be very efficient at
escaping local optima of multimodal optimisation problems. However, this
efficiency comes at the expense of considerably slower runtimes during the
exploitation phase compared to standard evolutionary algorithms. We propose
modifications to the traditional `hypermutations with mutation potential' (HMP)
that allow them to be efficient at exploitation as well as maintaining their
effective explorative characteristics. Rather than deterministically evaluating
fitness after each bit-flip of a hypermutation, we sample the fitness function
stochastically with a `parabolic' distribution which allows the `stop at first
constructive mutation' (FCM) variant of HMP to reduce the linear amount of
wasted function evaluations when no improvement is found to a constant. The
stochastic distribution also allows the removal of the FCM mechanism altogether
as originally desired in the design of the HMP operators. We rigorously prove
the effectiveness of the proposed operators for all the benchmark functions
where the performance of HMP is rigorously understood in the literature and
validating the gained insights to show linear speed-ups for the identification
of high quality approximate solutions to classical NP-Hard problems from
combinatorial optimisation. We then show the superiority of the HMP operators
to the traditional ones in an analysis of the complete standard Opt-IA AIS,
where the stochastic evaluation scheme allows HMP and ageing operators to work
in harmony. Through a comparative performance study of other `fast mutation'
operators from the literature, we conclude that a power-law distribution for
the parabolic evaluation scheme is the best compromise in black box scenarios
where little problem knowledge is available.
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