It's Hard for Neural Networks To Learn the Game of Life
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- Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2020 00:47:08 GMT
- Title: It's Hard for Neural Networks To Learn the Game of Life
- Authors: Jacob M. Springer, Garrett T. Kenyon
- Abstract summary: Recent findings suggest that neural networks rely on lucky random initial weights of "lottery tickets" that converge quickly to a solution.
We examine small convolutional networks that are trained to predict n steps of the two-dimensional cellular automaton Conway's Game of Life.
We find that networks of this architecture trained on this task rarely converge.
- Score: 4.061135251278187
- License:
- Abstract: Efforts to improve the learning abilities of neural networks have focused
mostly on the role of optimization methods rather than on weight
initializations. Recent findings, however, suggest that neural networks rely on
lucky random initial weights of subnetworks called "lottery tickets" that
converge quickly to a solution. To investigate how weight initializations
affect performance, we examine small convolutional networks that are trained to
predict n steps of the two-dimensional cellular automaton Conway's Game of
Life, the update rules of which can be implemented efficiently in a 2n+1 layer
convolutional network. We find that networks of this architecture trained on
this task rarely converge. Rather, networks require substantially more
parameters to consistently converge. In addition, near-minimal architectures
are sensitive to tiny changes in parameters: changing the sign of a single
weight can cause the network to fail to learn. Finally, we observe a critical
value d_0 such that training minimal networks with examples in which cells are
alive with probability d_0 dramatically increases the chance of convergence to
a solution. We conclude that training convolutional neural networks to learn
the input/output function represented by n steps of Game of Life exhibits many
characteristics predicted by the lottery ticket hypothesis, namely, that the
size of the networks required to learn this function are often significantly
larger than the minimal network required to implement the function.
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