論文の概要: Unsupervised Change Detection in Satellite Images with Generative
Adversarial Network
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.03630v2
- Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2020 03:28:27 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-10-20 21:31:44.715540
- Title: Unsupervised Change Detection in Satellite Images with Generative
Adversarial Network
- Title(参考訳): 生成逆ネットワークを用いた衛星画像の教師なし変化検出
- Authors: Caijun Ren, Xiangyu Wang, Jian Gao and Huanhuan Chen
- Abstract要約: 本稿では,GAN(Generative Adversarial Network)を用いた新たな変更検出フレームワークを提案する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 20.81970476609318
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Detecting changed regions in paired satellite images plays a key role in many
remote sensing applications. The evolution of recent techniques could provide
satellite images with very high spatial resolution (VHR) but made it
challenging to apply image coregistration, and many change detection methods
are dependent on its accuracy.Two images of the same scene taken at different
time or from different angle would introduce unregistered objects and the
existence of both unregistered areas and actual changed areas would lower the
performance of many change detection algorithms in unsupervised condition.To
alleviate the effect of unregistered objects in the paired images, we propose a
novel change detection framework utilizing a special neural network
architecture -- Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to generate many better
coregistered images. In this paper, we show that GAN model can be trained upon
a pair of images through using the proposed expanding strategy to create a
training set and optimizing designed objective functions. The optimized GAN
model would produce better coregistered images where changes can be easily
spotted and then the change map can be presented through a comparison strategy
using these generated images explicitly.Compared to other deep learning-based
methods, our method is less sensitive to the problem of unregistered images and
makes most of the deep learning structure.Experimental results on synthetic
images and real data with many different scenes could demonstrate the
effectiveness of the proposed approach.
- Abstract(参考訳): 対の衛星画像における変化領域の検出は、多くのリモートセンシングアプリケーションにおいて重要な役割を果たす。
The evolution of recent techniques could provide satellite images with very high spatial resolution (VHR) but made it challenging to apply image coregistration, and many change detection methods are dependent on its accuracy.Two images of the same scene taken at different time or from different angle would introduce unregistered objects and the existence of both unregistered areas and actual changed areas would lower the performance of many change detection algorithms in unsupervised condition.To alleviate the effect of unregistered objects in the paired images, we propose a novel change detection framework utilizing a special neural network architecture -- Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to generate many better coregistered images.
The optimized GAN model would produce better coregistered images where changes can be easily spotted and then the change map can be presented through a comparison strategy using these generated images explicitly.Compared to other deep learning-based methods, our method is less sensitive to the problem of unregistered images and makes most of the deep learning structure.Experimental results on synthetic images and real data with many different scenes could demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
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また、最近人気になったGAN(Generative Adversarial Network)を応用し、当社のW-Netがジェネレータとして機能している。
ネットワークをトレーニングし,今後の研究を促進するために,Google Earthから画像を収集して大規模なデータセットを構築する。
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