Integrability of $1D$ Lindbladians from operator-space fragmentation
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- Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2020 16:47:57 GMT
- Title: Integrability of $1D$ Lindbladians from operator-space fragmentation
- Authors: Fabian H. L. Essler, Lorenzo Piroli
- Abstract summary: We introduce families of one-dimensional Lindblad equations describing open many-particle quantum systems.
We show that Lindbladians featuring integrable operator-space fragmentation can be found in spin chains with arbitrary local physical dimension.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We introduce families of one-dimensional Lindblad equations describing open
many-particle quantum systems that are exactly solvable in the following sense:
$(i)$ the space of operators splits into exponentially many (in system size)
subspaces that are left invariant under the dissipative evolution; $(ii)$ the
time evolution of the density matrix on each invariant subspace is described by
an integrable Hamiltonian. The prototypical example is the quantum version of
the asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) which we analyze in some detail.
We show that in each invariant subspace the dynamics is described in terms of
an integrable spin-1/2 XXZ Heisenberg chain with either open or twisted
boundary conditions. We further demonstrate that Lindbladians featuring
integrable operator-space fragmentation can be found in spin chains with
arbitrary local physical dimension.
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