Design and Implementation of TAG: A Tabletop Games Framework
- URL:
- Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2020 07:27:30 GMT
- Title: Design and Implementation of TAG: A Tabletop Games Framework
- Authors: Raluca D. Gaina, Martin Balla, Alexander Dockhorn, Raul Montoliu,
Diego Perez-Liebana
- Abstract summary: This document describes the design and implementation of the Tabletop Games framework (TAG)
TAG is a Java-based benchmark for developing modern board games for AI research.
- Score: 59.60094442546867
- License:
- Abstract: This document describes the design and implementation of the Tabletop Games
framework (TAG), a Java-based benchmark for developing modern board games for
AI research. TAG provides a common skeleton for implementing tabletop games
based on a common API for AI agents, a set of components and classes to easily
add new games and an import module for defining data in JSON format. At
present, this platform includes the implementation of seven different tabletop
games that can also be used as an example for further developments.
Additionally, TAG also incorporates logging functionality that allows the user
to perform a detailed analysis of the game, in terms of action space, branching
factor, hidden information, and other measures of interest for Game AI
research. The objective of this document is to serve as a central point where
the framework can be described at length. TAG can be downloaded at:
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