An Exclusion Principle for Sum-Free Quantum Numbers
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- Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2020 08:03:00 GMT
- Title: An Exclusion Principle for Sum-Free Quantum Numbers
- Authors: Miguel A. Martin-Delgado
- Abstract summary: The sum-free condition for Schur numbers can be read off as a form of exclusion principle for quantum particles.
A particular instance of the correlated exclusion principle can be solved explicitly yielding a sequence of quantum numbers that exhibits a fractal structure.
The corresponding algebra of creation and annihilation operators can be identified in terms of commutation and anticommutation relations.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: A hypothetical exclusion principle for quantum particles is introduced that
generalizes the exclusion and inclusion principles for fermions and bosons,
respectively: the correlated exclusion principle. The sum-free condition for
Schur numbers can be read off as a form of exclusion principle for quantum
particles. Consequences of this interpretation are analysed within the
framework of quantum many-body systems. A particular instance of the correlated
exclusion principle can be solved explicitly yielding a sequence of quantum
numbers that exhibits a fractal structure and is a relative of the
Thue-Thurston sequence. The corresponding algebra of creation and annihilation
operators can be identified in terms of commutation and anticommutation
relations of a restricted version of the hard-core boson algebra.
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