An Efficient Algorithm for Cooperative Semi-Bandits
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- Date: Tue, 9 Feb 2021 08:55:30 GMT
- Title: An Efficient Algorithm for Cooperative Semi-Bandits
- Authors: Riccardo Della Vecchia (BIDSA), Tommaso Cesari (TSE)
- Abstract summary: We introduce Coop-FTPL, a cooperative version of the well-known Follow The Perturbed Leader algorithm.
We show that the expected regret of our algorithm after T time steps is of order QT log(k)(k$alpha$ 1 /Q + m), where Q is the total activation probability mass.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We consider the problem of asynchronous online combinatorial optimization on
a network of communicating agents. At each time step, some of the agents are
stochastically activated, requested to make a prediction, and the system pays
the corresponding loss. Then, neighbors of active agents receive semi-bandit
feedback and exchange some succinct local information. The goal is to minimize
the network regret, defined as the difference between the cumulative loss of
the predictions of active agents and that of the best action in hindsight,
selected from a combinatorial decision set. The main challenge in such a
context is to control the computational complexity of the resulting algorithm
while retaining minimax optimal regret guarantees. We introduce Coop-FTPL, a
cooperative version of the well-known Follow The Perturbed Leader algorithm,
that implements a new loss estimation procedure generalizing the Geometric
Resampling of Neu and Bart{\'o}k [2013] to our setting. Assuming that the
elements of the decision set are k-dimensional binary vectors with at most m
non-zero entries and $\alpha$ 1 is the independence number of the network, we
show that the expected regret of our algorithm after T time steps is of order Q
mkT log(k)(k$\alpha$ 1 /Q + m), where Q is the total activation probability
mass. Furthermore, we prove that this is only $\sqrt$ k log k-away from the
best achievable rate and that Coop-FTPL has a state-of-the-art T 3/2 worst-case
computational complexity.
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