Learning Deep-Latent Hierarchies by Stacking Wasserstein Autoencoders
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.03467v1
- Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2020 15:04:20 GMT
- Title: Learning Deep-Latent Hierarchies by Stacking Wasserstein Autoencoders
- Authors: Benoit Gaujac and Ilya Feige and David Barber
- Abstract summary: We propose a novel approach to training models with deep-latent hierarchies based on Optimal Transport.
We show that our method enables the generative model to fully leverage its deep-latent hierarchy, avoiding the well known "latent variable collapse" issue of VAEs.
- Score: 22.54887526392739
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Probabilistic models with hierarchical-latent-variable structures provide
state-of-the-art results amongst non-autoregressive, unsupervised density-based
models. However, the most common approach to training such models based on
Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) often fails to leverage deep-latent
hierarchies; successful approaches require complex inference and optimisation
schemes. Optimal Transport is an alternative, non-likelihood-based framework
for training generative models with appealing theoretical properties, in
principle allowing easier training convergence between distributions. In this
work we propose a novel approach to training models with deep-latent
hierarchies based on Optimal Transport, without the need for highly bespoke
models and inference networks. We show that our method enables the generative
model to fully leverage its deep-latent hierarchy, avoiding the well known
"latent variable collapse" issue of VAEs; therefore, providing qualitatively
better sample generations as well as more interpretable latent representation
than the original Wasserstein Autoencoder with Maximum Mean Discrepancy
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