Is Batch Norm unique? An empirical investigation and prescription to
emulate the best properties of common normalizers without batch dependence
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2020 00:41:38 GMT
- Title: Is Batch Norm unique? An empirical investigation and prescription to
emulate the best properties of common normalizers without batch dependence
- Authors: Vinay Rao, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein
- Abstract summary: We study the statistical properties of Batch Norm and other common normalizers.
We propose two simple normalizers, PreLayerNorm and RegNorm, which better match these desirable properties without involving operations along the batch dimension.
- Score: 33.07255026021875
- License:
- Abstract: We perform an extensive empirical study of the statistical properties of
Batch Norm and other common normalizers. This includes an examination of the
correlation between representations of minibatches, gradient norms, and Hessian
spectra both at initialization and over the course of training. Through this
analysis, we identify several statistical properties which appear linked to
Batch Norm's superior performance. We propose two simple normalizers,
PreLayerNorm and RegNorm, which better match these desirable properties without
involving operations along the batch dimension. We show that PreLayerNorm and
RegNorm achieve much of the performance of Batch Norm without requiring batch
dependence, that they reliably outperform LayerNorm, and that they can be
applied in situations where Batch Norm is ineffective.
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