Quantizing Multiple Sources to a Common Cluster Center: An Asymptotic
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.12546v1
- Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2020 17:14:28 GMT
- Title: Quantizing Multiple Sources to a Common Cluster Center: An Asymptotic
- Authors: Erdem Koyuncu
- Abstract summary: We consider quantizing an $Ld$-dimensional sample, which is obtained by concatenating $L$ vectors from datasets of $d$-dimensional vectors, to a $d$-dimensional cluster center.
We find a formula for the average performance distortion in the regime where the number of cluster centers are large.
In terms of faithfulness to the original (noiseless) dataset, our clustering approach outperforms the naive approach that relies on quantizing the $Ld$-dimensional noisy observation vectors to $Ld$-dimensional centers.
- Score: 14.048989759890475
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We consider quantizing an $Ld$-dimensional sample, which is obtained by
concatenating $L$ vectors from datasets of $d$-dimensional vectors, to a
$d$-dimensional cluster center. The distortion measure is the weighted sum of
$r$th powers of the distances between the cluster center and the samples. For
$L=1$, one recovers the ordinary center based clustering formulation. The
general case $L>1$ appears when one wishes to cluster a dataset through $L$
noisy observations of each of its members. We find a formula for the average
distortion performance in the asymptotic regime where the number of cluster
centers are large. We also provide an algorithm to numerically optimize the
cluster centers and verify our analytical results on real and artificial
datasets. In terms of faithfulness to the original (noiseless) dataset, our
clustering approach outperforms the naive approach that relies on quantizing
the $Ld$-dimensional noisy observation vectors to $Ld$-dimensional centers.
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