Optimizing embedding-related quantum annealing parameters for reducing
hardware bias
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2011.00719v2
- Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2020 23:25:54 GMT
- Title: Optimizing embedding-related quantum annealing parameters for reducing
hardware bias
- Authors: Aaron Barbosa, Elijah Pelofske, Georg Hahn, Hristo N. Djidjev
- Abstract summary: We show that parameter optimization can be done for an entire class of problems, given each instance uses a previously chosen fixed embedding.
Specifically, in the training phase, we fix an embedding E of a complete graph onto the hardware of the annealer, and then run an optimization algorithm to tune the following set of parameter values.
In the testing phase, we estimate how well the parameters computed during the training phase work on a random selection of other graphs from that class.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Quantum annealers have been designed to propose near-optimal solutions to
NP-hard optimization problems. However, the accuracy of current annealers such
as the ones of D-Wave Systems, Inc., is limited by environmental noise and
hardware biases. One way to deal with these imperfections and to improve the
quality of the annealing results is to apply a variety of pre-processing
techniques such as spin reversal (SR), anneal offsets (AO), or chain weights
(CW). Maximizing the effectiveness of these techniques involves performing
optimizations over a large number of parameters, which would be too costly if
needed to be done for each new problem instance. In this work, we show that the
aforementioned parameter optimization can be done for an entire class of
problems, given each instance uses a previously chosen fixed embedding.
Specifically, in the training phase, we fix an embedding E of a complete graph
onto the hardware of the annealer, and then run an optimization algorithm to
tune the following set of parameter values: the set of bits to be flipped for
SR, the specific qubit offsets for AO, and the distribution of chain weights,
optimized over a set of training graphs randomly chosen from that class, where
the graphs are embedded onto the hardware using E. In the testing phase, we
estimate how well the parameters computed during the training phase work on a
random selection of other graphs from that class. We investigate graph
instances of varying densities for the Maximum Clique, Maximum Cut, and Graph
Partitioning problems. Our results indicate that, compared to their default
behavior, substantial improvements of the annealing results can be achieved by
using the optimized parameters for SR, AO, and CW.
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