Homeomorphic-Invariance of EM: Non-Asymptotic Convergence in KL
Divergence for Exponential Families via Mirror Descent
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2011.01170v3
- Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 00:43:11 GMT
- Title: Homeomorphic-Invariance of EM: Non-Asymptotic Convergence in KL
Divergence for Exponential Families via Mirror Descent
- Authors: Frederik Kunstner, Raunak Kumar, Mark Schmidt
- Abstract summary: We show that for common setting of exponential family distributions, viewing EM as a mirror descent algorithm leads to convergence rates in Kullback-Leibler divergence.
In contrast to previous works, the analysis is in to the choice of parametrization and holds with minimal assumptions.
- Score: 18.045545816267385
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Expectation maximization (EM) is the default algorithm for fitting
probabilistic models with missing or latent variables, yet we lack a full
understanding of its non-asymptotic convergence properties. Previous works show
results along the lines of "EM converges at least as fast as gradient descent"
by assuming the conditions for the convergence of gradient descent apply to EM.
This approach is not only loose, in that it does not capture that EM can make
more progress than a gradient step, but the assumptions fail to hold for
textbook examples of EM like Gaussian mixtures. In this work we first show that
for the common setting of exponential family distributions, viewing EM as a
mirror descent algorithm leads to convergence rates in Kullback-Leibler (KL)
divergence. Then, we show how the KL divergence is related to first-order
stationarity via Bregman divergences. In contrast to previous works, the
analysis is invariant to the choice of parametrization and holds with minimal
assumptions. We also show applications of these ideas to local linear (and
superlinear) convergence rates, generalized EM, and non-exponential family
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