論文の概要: Accurately computing electronic properties of a quantum ring
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2012.00921v2
- Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2021 14:10:01 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-04-22 08:06:07.784299
- Title: Accurately computing electronic properties of a quantum ring
- Title(参考訳): 量子環の電子的性質を正確に計算する
- Authors: C. Neill, T. McCourt, X. Mi, Z. Jiang, M. Y. Niu, W. Mruczkiewicz, I.
Aleiner, F. Arute, K. Arya, J. Atalaya, R. Babbush, J. C. Bardin, R. Barends,
A. Bengtsson, A. Bourassa, M. Broughton, B. B. Buckley, D. A. Buell, B.
Burkett, N. Bushnell, J. Campero, Z. Chen, B. Chiaro, R. Collins, W.
Courtney, S. Demura, A. R. Derk, A. Dunsworth, D. Eppens, C. Erickson, E.
Farhi, A. G. Fowler, B. Foxen, C. Gidney, M. Giustina, J. A. Gross, M. P.
Harrigan, S. D. Harrington, J. Hilton, A. Ho, S. Hong, T. Huang, W. J.
Huggins, S. V. Isakov, M. Jacob-Mitos, E. Jeffrey, C. Jones, D. Kafri, K.
Kechedzhi, J. Kelly, S. Kim, P. V. Klimov, A. N. Korotkov, F. Kostritsa, D.
Landhuis, P. Laptev, E. Lucero, O. Martin, J. R. McClean, M. McEwen, A.
Megrant, K. C. Miao, M. Mohseni, J. Mutus, O. Naaman, M. Neeley, M. Newman,
T. E. O'Brien, A. Opremcak, E. Ostby, B. Pato, A. Petukhov, C. Quintana, N.
Redd, N. C. Rubin, D. Sank, K. J. Satzinger, V. Shvarts, D. Strain, M.
Szalay, M. D. Trevithick, B. Villalonga, T. C. White, Z. Yao, P. Yeh, A.
Zalcman, H. Neven, S. Boixo, L. B. Ioffe, P. Roushan, Y. Chen, V. Smelyanskiy
- Abstract要約: 超伝導量子ビットを用いた正確な凝縮マターシミュレータの実験的青写真を提供する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.08564085951364296
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: A promising approach to study condensed-matter systems is to simulate them on
an engineered quantum platform. However, achieving the accuracy needed to
outperform classical methods has been an outstanding challenge. Here, using
eighteen superconducting qubits, we provide an experimental blueprint for an
accurate condensed-matter simulator and demonstrate how to probe fundamental
electronic properties. We benchmark the underlying method by reconstructing the
single-particle band-structure of a one-dimensional wire. We demonstrate nearly
complete mitigation of decoherence and readout errors and arrive at an accuracy
in measuring energy eigenvalues of this wire with an error of ~0.01 rad,
whereas typical energy scales are of order 1 rad. Insight into this
unprecedented algorithm fidelity is gained by highlighting robust properties of
a Fourier transform, including the ability to resolve eigenenergies with a
statistical uncertainty of 1e-4 rad. Furthermore, we synthesize magnetic flux
and disordered local potentials, two key tenets of a condensed-matter system.
When sweeping the magnetic flux, we observe avoided level crossings in the
spectrum, a detailed fingerprint of the spatial distribution of local disorder.
Combining these methods, we reconstruct electronic properties of the
eigenstates where we observe persistent currents and a strong suppression of
conductance with added disorder. Our work describes an accurate method for
quantum simulation and paves the way to study novel quantum materials with
superconducting qubits.
- Abstract(参考訳): 凝縮マター系を研究するための有望なアプローチは、それらをエンジニアリングされた量子プラットフォーム上でシミュレートすることである。
我々はデコヒーレンスと読み出し誤差のほぼ完全な緩和を実証し、このワイヤのエネルギー固有値の誤差が0.01 radであるのに対して、典型的なエネルギースケールは1 radである。
この前例のないアルゴリズムの忠実性への洞察は、フーリエ変換の頑健な性質を強調し、1e-4 radの統計的不確実性で固有エネルギーを解く能力を含む。
さらに, 凝縮マター系の2つの鍵要素である磁束と乱れ局所電位を合成する。
これらの方法を組み合わせて固有状態の電子的性質を再構成し, 持続電流を観測し, コンダクタンスの強い抑制を付加した。
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