On the Impossibility of Convergence of Mixed Strategies with No Regret
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2012.02125v1
- Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2020 18:02:40 GMT
- Title: On the Impossibility of Convergence of Mixed Strategies with No Regret
- Authors: Vidya Muthukumar, Soham Phade, Anant Sahai
- Abstract summary: We study convergence properties of the mixed strategies that result from a general class of optimal no regret learning strategies.
We consider the class of strategies whose information set at each step is the empirical average of the opponent's realized play.
- Score: 10.515544361834241
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We study convergence properties of the mixed strategies that result from a
general class of optimal no regret learning strategies in a repeated game
setting where the stage game is any 2 by 2 competitive game (i.e. game for
which all the Nash equilibria (NE) of the game are completely mixed). We
consider the class of strategies whose information set at each step is the
empirical average of the opponent's realized play (and the step number), that
we call mean based strategies. We first show that there does not exist any
optimal no regret, mean based strategy for player 1 that would result in the
convergence of her mixed strategies (in probability) against an opponent that
plays his Nash equilibrium mixed strategy at each step. Next, we show that this
last iterate divergence necessarily occurs if player 2 uses any adaptive
strategy with a minimal randomness property. This property is satisfied, for
example, by any fixed sequence of mixed strategies for player 2 that converges
to NE. We conjecture that this property holds when both players use optimal no
regret learning strategies against each other, leading to the divergence of the
mixed strategies with a positive probability. Finally, we show that variants of
mean based strategies using recency bias, which have yielded last iterate
convergence in deterministic min max optimization, continue to lead to this
last iterate divergence. This demonstrates a crucial difference in outcomes
between using the opponent's mixtures and realizations to make strategy
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