Adaptive Local Bayesian Optimization Over Multiple Discrete Variables
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- Date: Mon, 7 Dec 2020 07:51:23 GMT
- Title: Adaptive Local Bayesian Optimization Over Multiple Discrete Variables
- Authors: Taehyeon Kim, Jaeyeon Ahn, Nakyil Kim, Seyoung Yun
- Abstract summary: This paper describes the approach of team KAIST OSI in a step-wise manner, which outperforms the baseline algorithms by up to +20.39%.
In a similar vein, we combine the methodology of Bayesian and multi-armed bandit,(MAB) approach to select the values with the consideration of the variable types.
Empirical evaluations demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing methods across different tasks.
- Score: 9.860437640748113
- License:
- Abstract: In the machine learning algorithms, the choice of the hyperparameter is often
an art more than a science, requiring labor-intensive search with expert
experience. Therefore, automation on hyperparameter optimization to exclude
human intervention is a great appeal, especially for the black-box functions.
Recently, there have been increasing demands of solving such concealed tasks
for better generalization, though the task-dependent issue is not easy to
solve. The Black-Box Optimization challenge (NeurIPS 2020) required competitors
to build a robust black-box optimizer across different domains of standard
machine learning problems. This paper describes the approach of team KAIST OSI
in a step-wise manner, which outperforms the baseline algorithms by up to
+20.39%. We first strengthen the local Bayesian search under the concept of
region reliability. Then, we design a combinatorial kernel for a Gaussian
process kernel. In a similar vein, we combine the methodology of Bayesian and
multi-armed bandit,(MAB) approach to select the values with the consideration
of the variable types; the real and integer variables are with Bayesian, while
the boolean and categorical variables are with MAB. Empirical evaluations
demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing methods across different
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