MOLTR: Multiple Object Localisation, Tracking, and Reconstruction from
Monocular RGB Videos
- URL:
- Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2021 03:12:24 GMT
- Title: MOLTR: Multiple Object Localisation, Tracking, and Reconstruction from
Monocular RGB Videos
- Authors: Kejie Li, Hamid Rezatofighi, Ian Reid
- Abstract summary: MOLTR is a solution to object-centric mapping using only monocular image sequences and camera poses.
It is able to localise, track, and reconstruct multiple objects in an online fashion when an RGB camera captures a video of the surrounding.
We evaluate localisation, tracking, and reconstruction on benchmarking datasets for indoor and outdoor scenes.
- Score: 30.541606989348377
- License:
- Abstract: Semantic aware reconstruction is more advantageous than geometric-only
reconstruction for future robotic and AR/VR applications because it represents
not only where things are, but also what things are. Object-centric mapping is
a task to build an object-level reconstruction where objects are separate and
meaningful entities that convey both geometry and semantic information. In this
paper, we present MOLTR, a solution to object-centric mapping using only
monocular image sequences and camera poses. It is able to localise, track, and
reconstruct multiple objects in an online fashion when an RGB camera captures a
video of the surrounding. Given a new RGB frame, MOLTR firstly applies a
monocular 3D detector to localise objects of interest and extract their shape
codes that represent the object shapes in a learned embedding space. Detections
are then merged to existing objects in the map after data association. Motion
state (i.e. kinematics and the motion status) of each object is tracked by a
multiple model Bayesian filter and object shape is progressively refined by
fusing multiple shape code. We evaluate localisation, tracking, and
reconstruction on benchmarking datasets for indoor and outdoor scenes, and show
superior performance over previous approaches.
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