Quantum Key Recovery Attack on SIMON Block Cipher
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2012.08321v2
- Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2021 11:03:06 GMT
- Title: Quantum Key Recovery Attack on SIMON Block Cipher
- Authors: Hui Liu, Li Yang
- Abstract summary: We study quantum key recovery attack on SIMON block cipher using Quantum Amplitude Amplification algorithm in Q1 model.
We take the quantum attack on 19-round SIMON32/64 for an example and design the quantum circuit of the key recovery process.
- Score: 11.112331561801605
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: The quantum security of lightweight block ciphers is receiving more and more
attention. However, the existing quantum attacks on lightweight block ciphers
mainly focused on the quantum exhaustive search, while the quantum dedicated
attacks combined with classical cryptanalysis methods haven't been well
studied. In this paper, we study quantum key recovery attack on SIMON block
cipher using Quantum Amplitude Amplification algorithm in Q1 model. At first,
we reanalyze the quantum circuit complexity of quantum master key exhaustive
search on SIMON block cipher. The Clifford gates count is estimated more
accurately and the T gate count is reduced. We also reduce the T-depth and
Full-depth due to some minor modifications to the circuit. Then, based on the
differential cryptanalysis on SIMON32, SIMON48 and SIMON64 given by Biryukov et
al. in FSE 2014, we give quantum round key recovery attacks on these SIMON
variants and analyze quantum circuit complexity separately. We take the quantum
attack on 19-round SIMON32/64 for an example and design the quantum circuit of
the key recovery process. The two phases of this attack could be regarded as
two QAA instances separately, and the first QAA instance consists of four
sub-QAA instances. We conclude that the encryption complexity and circuit
complexity of quantum dedicated attacks on 19-round SIMON32/64, 19-round SIMON
48 and 26-round SIMON64/128 are both lower than those of the quantum exhaustive
search on these variants separately. Our work firstly studies the quantum
dedicated attack on SIMON block cipher from the perspective of quantum circuit
complexity, which is a more fine-grained analysis of quantum dedicated attacks'
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