論文の概要: A Multi-View Dynamic Fusion Framework: How to Improve the Multimodal
Brain Tumor Segmentation from Multi-Views?
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2012.11211v1
- Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2020 09:45:23 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2021-04-27 06:22:53.583118
- Title: A Multi-View Dynamic Fusion Framework: How to Improve the Multimodal
Brain Tumor Segmentation from Multi-Views?
- Title(参考訳): マルチビューダイナミックフュージョンフレームワーク:マルチビューからマルチモーダル脳腫瘍の分離を改善するには?
- Authors: Yi Ding, Wei Zheng, Guozheng Wu, Ji Geng, Mingsheng Cao, Zhiguang Qin
- Abstract要約: 本稿では,脳腫瘍セグメンテーションの性能向上を目的としたマルチビューダイナミックフュージョンフレームワークを提案する。
BRATS 2015とBRATS 2018で提案されたフレームワークを評価することで、マルチビューからの融合結果が単一ビューからのセグメンテーション結果よりも優れたパフォーマンスを達成できることが分かります。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 5.793853101758628
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: When diagnosing the brain tumor, doctors usually make a diagnosis by
observing multimodal brain images from the axial view, the coronal view and the
sagittal view, respectively. And then they make a comprehensive decision to
confirm the brain tumor based on the information obtained from multi-views.
Inspired by this diagnosing process and in order to further utilize the 3D
information hidden in the dataset, this paper proposes a multi-view dynamic
fusion framework to improve the performance of brain tumor segmentation. The
proposed framework consists of 1) a multi-view deep neural network
architecture, which represents multi learning networks for segmenting the brain
tumor from different views and each deep neural network corresponds to
multi-modal brain images from one single view and 2) the dynamic decision
fusion method, which is mainly used to fuse segmentation results from
multi-views as an integrate one and two different fusion methods, the voting
method and the weighted averaging method, have been adopted to evaluate the
fusing process. Moreover, the multi-view fusion loss, which consists of the
segmentation loss, the transition loss and the decision loss, is proposed to
facilitate the training process of multi-view learning networks so as to keep
the consistency of appearance and space, not only in the process of fusing
segmentation results, but also in the process of training the learning network.
\par By evaluating the proposed framework on BRATS 2015 and BRATS 2018, it can
be found that the fusion results from multi-views achieve a better performance
than the segmentation result from the single view and the effectiveness of
proposed multi-view fusion loss has also been proved. Moreover, the proposed
framework achieves a better segmentation performance and a higher efficiency
compared to other counterpart methods.
- Abstract(参考訳): 脳腫瘍を診断する場合、医師は、軸線、コロナビュー、矢状ビューから多変量脳画像を観察して診断する。
The proposed framework consists of 1) a multi-view deep neural network architecture, which represents multi learning networks for segmenting the brain tumor from different views and each deep neural network corresponds to multi-modal brain images from one single view and 2) the dynamic decision fusion method, which is mainly used to fuse segmentation results from multi-views as an integrate one and two different fusion methods, the voting method and the weighted averaging method, have been adopted to evaluate the fusing process.
\par BRATS 2015 と BRATS 2018 で提案したフレームワークを評価することで,複数ビューの融合結果が単一ビューのセグメンテーション結果よりも優れた性能を示し,提案した多視点融合損失の有効性も証明されている。
- Deep Multimodal Fusion of Data with Heterogeneous Dimensionality via
Projective Networks [4.933439602197885]
提案手法は, GAとRBVのセグメンテーションを最大3.10%, Diceを最大4.64%向上させる。
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2024-02-02T11:03:33Z) - Scale-aware Super-resolution Network with Dual Affinity Learning for
Lesion Segmentation from Medical Images [50.76668288066681]
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2023-05-30T14:25:55Z) - Multiclass MRI Brain Tumor Segmentation using 3D Attention-based U-Net [0.0]
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2023-05-10T14:35:07Z) - Reliable Joint Segmentation of Retinal Edema Lesions in OCT Images [55.83984261827332]
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2022-12-01T07:32:56Z) - Evidence fusion with contextual discounting for multi-modality medical
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この方法は脳腫瘍1251例のBraTs 2021データベース上で評価された。
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2022-06-23T14:36:50Z) - Cross-Modality Deep Feature Learning for Brain Tumor Segmentation [158.8192041981564]
本稿では, マルチモーダルMRIデータから脳腫瘍を抽出するクロスモーダルディープ・フィーチャーラーニング・フレームワークを提案する。
on the BraTS benchmarks, this proposed cross-modality deep feature learning framework could effective improve the brain tumor segmentation performance。
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2022-01-07T07:46:01Z) - Cross-Modality Brain Tumor Segmentation via Bidirectional
Global-to-Local Unsupervised Domain Adaptation [61.01704175938995]
本論文では,UDAスキームに基づくBiGL(Bidirectional Global-to-Local)適応フレームワークを提案する。
提案手法は, 最先端の非教師なし領域適応法を大きなマージンで上回っている。
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論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2021-02-23T02:08:38Z) - Robust Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation via Feature Disentanglement
and Gated Fusion [71.87627318863612]
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2020-02-22T14:32:04Z) - Unpaired Multi-modal Segmentation via Knowledge Distillation [77.39798870702174]
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