論文の概要: Ultrafast and Strong-Field Physics in Graphene-Like Crystals: Bloch Band
Topology and High-Harmonic Generation
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2101.03635v1
- Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 22:32:44 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-04-17 04:45:30.643592
- Title: Ultrafast and Strong-Field Physics in Graphene-Like Crystals: Bloch Band
Topology and High-Harmonic Generation
- Title(参考訳): グラフェン様結晶の超高速・強場物理:ブロッホバンドトポロジーと高調波発生
- Authors: Hamed Koochaki Kelardeh
- Abstract要約: 本論文では, 少数サイクルおよび強磁場光レーザーによって誘導される2次元結晶体における非摂動電子動力学の理論的枠組みを紹介する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: The emerging possibilities to steer and control electronic motion on subcycle
time scales with strong electric fields enable studying the nonperturbative
optical response and Bloch bands' topological properties, originated from
Berry's trilogy: connection, curvature, and phase. This letter introduces a
theoretical framework for the nonperturbative electron dynamics in
two-dimensional (2D) crystalline solids induced by the few-cycle and
strong-field optical lasers. In the presented model, the expression associated
with the Bloch band topology and broken crystal symmetry merges
self-consistently in the system observables such as High Harmonic Generation
(HHG). This singles out our work from recent HHG calculations from the
strongly-driven systems. Concisely, in our theoretical experiment on 2D
materials in the strong-field optical regime, we show that Bloch band topology
and broken symmetry manifest themselves in several ways: the momentum-resolved
attosecond interferometry of electron wave packets, anomalous and chiral
velocity in both intraband and interband dynamics, anomalous Hall current and
respective HHG highly sensitive to the laser waveform, multiple plateau-cutoff
structures in both longitudinal and transverse HHG, the formation of even
harmonics in the perpendicular polarization with respect to the driving laser,
singular jumps across the phase diagram of the HHG, attosecond chirp, and
ultrafast valley polarization induced by the chiral gauge field that is robust
to lattice imperfections and scattering. The link between HHG and solid-state
band geometry offers an all-optical reconstruction of electron band structure
by optical means, and accelerates studies on the non-equilibrium Floquet
engineering, topologically-protected nonlinear spin and edge currents,
valleytronics, quantum computing and high-temperature superconductivity on
sub-femtosecond time scales.
- Abstract(参考訳): 強電場を持つサブサイクル時間スケールで電子運動を操り制御する新たな可能性により、非摂動光学応答とブロッホバンドの位相特性の研究が可能となり、ベリーの三部作『接続、曲率、位相』から派生した。
本論文では, 少数サイクルおよび強磁場光レーザーによって誘導される2次元結晶体における非摂動電子動力学の理論的枠組みを紹介する。
提案モデルでは, 高高調波発生 (HHG) などの観測可能な系において, ブローチバンドトポロジと結晶対称性の破れが自己整合的に結合する。
Concisely, in our theoretical experiment on 2D materials in the strong-field optical regime, we show that Bloch band topology and broken symmetry manifest themselves in several ways: the momentum-resolved attosecond interferometry of electron wave packets, anomalous and chiral velocity in both intraband and interband dynamics, anomalous Hall current and respective HHG highly sensitive to the laser waveform, multiple plateau-cutoff structures in both longitudinal and transverse HHG, the formation of even harmonics in the perpendicular polarization with respect to the driving laser, singular jumps across the phase diagram of the HHG, attosecond chirp, and ultrafast valley polarization induced by the chiral gauge field that is robust to lattice imperfections and scattering.
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