Generating Structured Adversarial Attacks Using Frank-Wolfe Method
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- Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2021 06:36:50 GMT
- Title: Generating Structured Adversarial Attacks Using Frank-Wolfe Method
- Authors: Ehsan Kazemi, Thomas Kerdreux and Liquang Wang
- Abstract summary: Constraining adversarial search with different norms results in disparately structured adversarial examples.
structured adversarial examples can be used for adversarial regularization of models to make models more robust or improve their performance on datasets which are structurally different.
- Score: 7.84752424025677
- License:
- Abstract: White box adversarial perturbations are generated via iterative optimization
algorithms most often by minimizing an adversarial loss on a $\ell_p$
neighborhood of the original image, the so-called distortion set. Constraining
the adversarial search with different norms results in disparately structured
adversarial examples. Here we explore several distortion sets with
structure-enhancing algorithms. These new structures for adversarial examples
might provide challenges for provable and empirical robust mechanisms. Because
adversarial robustness is still an empirical field, defense mechanisms should
also reasonably be evaluated against differently structured attacks. Besides,
these structured adversarial perturbations may allow for larger distortions
size than their $\ell_p$ counter-part while remaining imperceptible or
perceptible as natural distortions of the image. We will demonstrate in this
work that the proposed structured adversarial examples can significantly bring
down the classification accuracy of adversarialy trained classifiers while
showing low $\ell_2$ distortion rate. For instance, on ImagNet dataset the
structured attacks drop the accuracy of adversarial model to near zero with
only 50\% of $\ell_2$ distortion generated using white-box attacks like PGD. As
a byproduct, our finding on structured adversarial examples can be used for
adversarial regularization of models to make models more robust or improve
their generalization performance on datasets which are structurally different.
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