State-of-the-Art in Human Scanpath Prediction
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- Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2021 12:01:28 GMT
- Title: State-of-the-Art in Human Scanpath Prediction
- Authors: Matthias K\"ummerer, Matthias Bethge
- Abstract summary: We evaluate models based on how well they predict each fixation in a scanpath given the previous scanpath history.
This makes model evaluation closely aligned with the biological processes thought to underly scanpath generation.
We evaluate many existing models of scanpath prediction on the datasets MIT1003, MIT300, CAT2000 train and CAT200 test.
- Score: 22.030889583780514
- License:
- Abstract: The last years have seen a surge in models predicting the scanpaths of
fixations made by humans when viewing images. However, the field is lacking a
principled comparison of those models with respect to their predictive power.
In the past, models have usually been evaluated based on comparing human
scanpaths to scanpaths generated from the model. Here, instead we evaluate
models based on how well they predict each fixation in a scanpath given the
previous scanpath history. This makes model evaluation closely aligned with the
biological processes thought to underly scanpath generation and allows to apply
established saliency metrics like AUC and NSS in an intuitive and interpretable
way. We evaluate many existing models of scanpath prediction on the datasets
MIT1003, MIT300, CAT2000 train and CAT200 test, for the first time giving a
detailed picture of the current state of the art of human scanpath prediction.
We also show that the discussed method of model benchmarking allows for more
detailed analyses leading to interesting insights about where and when models
fail to predict human behaviour. The MIT/Tuebingen Saliency Benchmark will
implement the evaluation of scanpath models as detailed here, allowing
researchers to score their models on the established benchmark datasets MIT300
and CAT2000.
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