Approximation Algorithms for Active Sequential Hypothesis Testing
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- Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2021 03:49:19 GMT
- Title: Approximation Algorithms for Active Sequential Hypothesis Testing
- Authors: Kyra Gan, Su Jia, Andrew Li
- Abstract summary: This paper provides the first approximation algorithms for active sequential hypotheses testing.
We numerically investigate the performance of our algorithms using both synthetic and real data, showing that our algorithms outperform a previously proposed policy.
- Score: 3.840659854046464
- License:
- Abstract: In the problem of active sequential hypotheses testing (ASHT), a learner
seeks to identify the true hypothesis $h^*$ from among a set of hypotheses $H$.
The learner is given a set of actions and knows the outcome distribution of any
action under any true hypothesis. While repeatedly playing the entire set of
actions suffices to identify $h^*$, a cost is incurred with each action. Thus,
given a target error $\delta>0$, the goal is to find the minimal cost policy
for sequentially selecting actions that identify $h^*$ with probability at
least $1 - \delta$.
This paper provides the first approximation algorithms for ASHT, under two
types of adaptivity. First, a policy is partially adaptive if it fixes a
sequence of actions in advance and adaptively decides when to terminate and
what hypothesis to return. Under partial adaptivity, we provide an
$O\big(s^{-1}(1+\log_{1/\delta}|H|)\log (s^{-1}|H| \log
|H|)\big)$-approximation algorithm, where $s$ is a natural separation parameter
between the hypotheses. Second, a policy is fully adaptive if action selection
is allowed to depend on previous outcomes. Under full adaptivity, we provide an
$O(s^{-1}\log (|H|/\delta)\log |H|)$-approximation algorithm. We numerically
investigate the performance of our algorithms using both synthetic and
real-world data, showing that our algorithms outperform a previously proposed
heuristic policy.
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