Analytic Filter Function Derivatives for Quantum Optimal Control
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- Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2021 06:58:51 GMT
- Title: Analytic Filter Function Derivatives for Quantum Optimal Control
- Authors: Isabel Nha Minh Le, Julian D. Teske, Tobias Hangleiter, Pascal
Cerfontaine and Hendrik Bluhm
- Abstract summary: We focus on the filter function formalism, which allows the computation of gate fidelities in the presence of auto-correlated noise.
We present analytically derived filter function gradients with respect to control pulse amplitudes, and analyze the computational complexity of our results.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Auto-correlated noise appears in many solid state qubit systems and hence
needs to be taken into account when developing gate operations for quantum
information processing. However, explicitly simulating this kind of noise is
often less efficient than approximate methods. Here, we focus on the filter
function formalism, which allows the computation of gate fidelities in the
presence of auto-correlated classical noise. Hence, this formalism can be
combined with optimal control algorithms to design control pulses, which
optimally implement quantum gates. To enable the use of gradient-based
algorithms with fast convergence, we present analytically derived filter
function gradients with respect to control pulse amplitudes, and analyze the
computational complexity of our results. When comparing pulse optimization
using our derivatives to a gradient-free approach, we find that the
gradient-based method is roughly two orders of magnitude faster for our test
cases. We also provide a modular computational implementation compatible with
quantum optimal control packages.
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