Hilbert space shattering and disorder-free localization in polar lattice
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2103.13780v4
- Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2021 13:44:59 GMT
- Title: Hilbert space shattering and disorder-free localization in polar lattice
- Authors: Wei-Han Li, Xiaolong Deng, and Luis Santos
- Abstract summary: In absence of disorder hard-core Hubbard models with only strong nearest-neighbor interactions present Hilbert space fragmentation but no many-body localization for typical states.
Our results show that the study of the intriguing interplay between disorder- and interaction-induced many-body localization is within reach of future experiments with magnetic atoms and polar molecules.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Emerging dynamical constraints resulting from inter-site interactions
severely limit particle mobility in polar lattice gases. Whereas in absence of
disorder hard-core Hubbard models with only strong nearest-neighbor
interactions present Hilbert space fragmentation but no many-body localization
for typical states, the $1/r^3$ tail of the dipolar interaction results in
Hilbert space shattering, as well as in a dramatically slowed down dynamics and
eventual disorder-free localization. Our results show that the study of the
intriguing interplay between disorder- and interaction-induced many-body
localization is within reach of future experiments with magnetic atoms and
polar molecules.
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