Orbital transformations to reduce the 1-norm of the electronic structure
Hamiltonian for quantum computing applications
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2103.14753v3
- Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2021 10:33:41 GMT
- Title: Orbital transformations to reduce the 1-norm of the electronic structure
Hamiltonian for quantum computing applications
- Authors: Emiel Koridon, Saad Yalouz, Bruno Senjean, Francesco Buda, Thomas E.
O'Brien and Lucas Visscher
- Abstract summary: We investigate the effect of classical pre-optimization of the electronic structure Hamiltonian representation, via single-particle basis transformation, on the "1-norm"
We derive a new formula for the 1-norm as a function of the electronic integrals, and use this quantity as a cost function for an orbital-optimization scheme.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Reducing the complexity of quantum algorithms to treat quantum chemistry
problems is essential to demonstrate an eventual quantum advantage of
Noisy-Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices over their classical
counterpart. Significant improvements have been made recently to simulate the
time-evolution operator $U(t) = e^{i\mathcal{\hat{H}}t}$ where
$\mathcal{\hat{H}}$ is the electronic structure Hamiltonian, or to simulate
$\mathcal{\hat{H}}$ directly (when written as a linear combination of
unitaries) by using block encoding or "qubitization" techniques. A fundamental
measure quantifying the practical implementation complexity of these quantum
algorithms is the so-called "1-norm" of the qubit-representation of the
Hamiltonian, which can be reduced by writing the Hamiltonian in factorized or
tensor-hypercontracted forms for instance. In this work, we investigate the
effect of classical pre-optimization of the electronic structure Hamiltonian
representation, via single-particle basis transformation, on the 1-norm.
Specifically, we employ several localization schemes and benchmark the 1-norm
of several systems of different sizes (number of atoms and active space sizes).
We also derive a new formula for the 1-norm as a function of the electronic
integrals, and use this quantity as a cost function for an orbital-optimization
scheme that improves over localization schemes. This paper gives more insights
about the importance of the 1-norm in quantum computing for quantum chemistry,
and provides simple ways of decreasing its value to reduce the complexity of
quantum algorithms.
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