Interacting holes in Si and Ge double quantum dots: from a multiband
approach to an effective-spin picture
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- Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 11:44:22 GMT
- Title: Interacting holes in Si and Ge double quantum dots: from a multiband
approach to an effective-spin picture
- Authors: Andrea Secchi, Laura Bellentani, Andrea Bertoni, Filippo Troiani
- Abstract summary: We investigate two-hole states in prototypical coupled Si and Ge quantum dots via different theoretical approaches.
We find that, in the weak interdot regime, the ground state and first excited multiplet of the two-hole system display -- unlike their electronic counterparts -- a high degree of $J$-mixing.
The light-hole component additionally induces $M$-mixing and a weak coupling between spinors characterized by different permutational symmetries.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: The states of two electrons in tunnel-coupled semiconductor quantum dots can
be effectively described in terms of a two-spin Hamiltonian with an isotropic
Heisenberg interaction. A similar description needs to be generalized in the
case of holes due to their multiband character and spin-orbit coupling, which
mixes orbital and spin degrees of freedom, and splits $J=3/2$ and $J = 1/2$
multiplets. Here we investigate two-hole states in prototypical coupled Si and
Ge quantum dots via different theoretical approaches. Multiband
$\boldsymbol{k}\cdot\boldsymbol{p}$ and Configuration-Interaction calculations
are combined with entanglement measures in order to thoroughly characterize the
two-hole states in terms of band mixing and justify the introduction of an
effective spin representation, which we analytically derive a from generalized
Hubbard model. We find that, in the weak interdot regime, the ground state and
first excited multiplet of the two-hole system display -- unlike their
electronic counterparts -- a high degree of $J$-mixing, even in the limit of
purely heavy-hole states. The light-hole component additionally induces
$M$-mixing and a weak coupling between spinors characterized by different
permutational symmetries.
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