On a Utilitarian Approach to Privacy Preserving Text Generation
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2104.11838v1
- Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2021 23:13:43 GMT
- Title: On a Utilitarian Approach to Privacy Preserving Text Generation
- Authors: Zekun Xu, Abhinav Aggarwal, Oluwaseyi Feyisetan, Nathanael Teissier
- Abstract summary: We propose a class of differentially private mechanisms that parameterizes the nearest neighbor selection criterion in traditional mechanisms.
Motivated by Vickrey auction, where only the second highest price is revealed and the highest price is kept private, we balance the choice between the first and the second nearest neighbors.
Experiments on real text classification datasets show up to 50% improvement in utility compared to the existing state-of-the-art with the same empirical privacy guarantee.
- Score: 5.123298347655088
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Differentially-private mechanisms for text generation typically add carefully
calibrated noise to input words and use the nearest neighbor to the noised
input as the output word. When the noise is small in magnitude, these
mechanisms are susceptible to reconstruction of the original sensitive text.
This is because the nearest neighbor to the noised input is likely to be the
original input. To mitigate this empirical privacy risk, we propose a novel
class of differentially private mechanisms that parameterizes the nearest
neighbor selection criterion in traditional mechanisms. Motivated by Vickrey
auction, where only the second highest price is revealed and the highest price
is kept private, we balance the choice between the first and the second nearest
neighbors in the proposed class of mechanisms using a tuning parameter. This
parameter is selected by empirically solving a constrained optimization problem
for maximizing utility, while maintaining the desired privacy guarantees. We
argue that this empirical measurement framework can be used to align different
mechanisms along a common benchmark for their privacy-utility tradeoff,
particularly when different distance metrics are used to calibrate the amount
of noise added. Our experiments on real text classification datasets show up to
50% improvement in utility compared to the existing state-of-the-art with the
same empirical privacy guarantee.
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