Subexponential rate versus distance with time-multiplexed quantum
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- Date: Fri, 19 Nov 2021 16:27:21 GMT
- Title: Subexponential rate versus distance with time-multiplexed quantum
- Authors: Prajit Dhara, Ashlesha Patil, Hari Krovi, Saikat Guha
- Abstract summary: Quantum communications capacity using direct transmission over length-$L$ optical fiber scales as $R sim e-alpha L$, where $alpha$ is the fiber's loss coefficient.
We show that temporal multiplexing leads to a sub-exponential rate-vs.-distance scaling, i.e., $R sim e-tsqrtalpha L$, which is not attainable with just spatial or spectral multiplexing.
- Score: 0.9634859579172252
- License:
- Abstract: Quantum communications capacity using direct transmission over length-$L$
optical fiber scales as $R \sim e^{-\alpha L}$, where $\alpha$ is the fiber's
loss coefficient. The rate achieved using a linear chain of quantum repeaters
equipped with quantum memories, probabilistic Bell state measurements (BSMs)
and switches used for spatial multiplexing, but no quantum error correction,
was shown to surpass the direct-transmission capacity. However, this rate still
decays exponentially with the end-to-end distance, viz., $R \sim e^{-s{\alpha
L}}$, with $s < 1$. We show that the introduction of temporal multiplexing -
i.e., the ability to perform BSMs among qubits at a repeater node that were
successfully entangled with qubits at distinct neighboring nodes at {\em
different} time steps - leads to a sub-exponential rate-vs.-distance scaling,
i.e., $R \sim e^{-t\sqrt{\alpha L}}$, which is not attainable with just spatial
or spectral multiplexing. We evaluate analytical upper and lower bounds to this
rate, and obtain the exact rate by numerically optimizing the time-multiplexing
block length and the number of repeater nodes. We further demonstrate that
incorporating losses in the optical switches used to implement time
multiplexing degrades the rate-vs.-distance performance, eventually falling
back to exponential scaling for very lossy switches. We also examine models for
quantum memory decoherence and describe optimal regimes of operation to
preserve the desired boost from temporal multiplexing. Quantum memory
decoherence is seen to be more detrimental to the repeater's performance over
switching losses.
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