論文の概要: Learning a Latent Simplex in Input-Sparsity Time
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2105.08005v1
- Date: Mon, 17 May 2021 16:40:48 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2021-05-18 18:07:40.194241
- Title: Learning a Latent Simplex in Input-Sparsity Time
- Title(参考訳): 入力分離時間における潜在単純性学習
- Authors: Ainesh Bakshi, Chiranjib Bhattacharyya, Ravi Kannan, David P. Woodruff
and Samson Zhou
- Abstract要約: 我々は、$AinmathbbRdtimes n$へのアクセスを考えると、潜入$k$-vertex simplex $KsubsetmathbbRdtimes n$を学習する問題を考える。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 58.30321592603066
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: We consider the problem of learning a latent $k$-vertex simplex
$K\subset\mathbb{R}^d$, given access to $A\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times n}$, which can
be viewed as a data matrix with $n$ points that are obtained by randomly
perturbing latent points in the simplex $K$ (potentially beyond $K$). A large
class of latent variable models, such as adversarial clustering, mixed
membership stochastic block models, and topic models can be cast as learning a
latent simplex. Bhattacharyya and Kannan (SODA, 2020) give an algorithm for
learning such a latent simplex in time roughly $O(k\cdot\textrm{nnz}(A))$,
where $\textrm{nnz}(A)$ is the number of non-zeros in $A$. We show that the
dependence on $k$ in the running time is unnecessary given a natural assumption
about the mass of the top $k$ singular values of $A$, which holds in many of
these applications. Further, we show this assumption is necessary, as otherwise
an algorithm for learning a latent simplex would imply an algorithmic
breakthrough for spectral low rank approximation.
At a high level, Bhattacharyya and Kannan provide an adaptive algorithm that
makes $k$ matrix-vector product queries to $A$ and each query is a function of
all queries preceding it. Since each matrix-vector product requires
$\textrm{nnz}(A)$ time, their overall running time appears unavoidable.
Instead, we obtain a low-rank approximation to $A$ in input-sparsity time and
show that the column space thus obtained has small $\sin\Theta$ (angular)
distance to the right top-$k$ singular space of $A$. Our algorithm then selects
$k$ points in the low-rank subspace with the largest inner product with $k$
carefully chosen random vectors. By working in the low-rank subspace, we avoid
reading the entire matrix in each iteration and thus circumvent the
$\Theta(k\cdot\textrm{nnz}(A))$ running time.
- Abstract(参考訳): k$-vertex simplex $K\subset\mathbb{R}^d$, given access to $A\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times n}$, which can seen as a data matrix with $n$ points that are obtained by randomly perturbing latent points in the simplex $K$ (potentially beyond $K$)。
Bhattacharyya and Kannan (SODA, 2020) は、およそ$O(k\cdot\textrm{nnz}(A))$、$\textrm{nnz}(A)$は$A$の非ゼロの数である。
さらに, 潜在単純性を学ぶアルゴリズムは, スペクトル低ランク近似のアルゴリズム的ブレークスルーを意味するため, この仮定は必要であることを示す。
高いレベルでは、bhattacharyyaとkannanは、$k$ matrix-vector製品クエリを$a$とし、各クエリは、それ以前のすべてのクエリの関数である適応アルゴリズムを提供する。
各行列ベクトル積は $\textrm{nnz}(A)$ time を必要とするので、全体の実行時間は避けられない。
低ランクな部分空間で作業することで、各イテレーションで行列全体の読み込みを回避し、$\Theta(k\cdot\textrm{nnz}(A))$ run timeを回避します。
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任意の$K$に対して、$n$とは独立に「普遍集合」$Uサブセット[n]$が存在し、任意の$Q$と任意の行$i$に対して、大きな注目スコアが$A_i,j$ in row $i$ of $A$は全て$jin U$を持つことを示す。
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最小かつ現実的な分布設定では、ほぼ線形な実行時間を持つ$(k/epsilon)$-approximationとpoly$(k/epsilon)+O(klog n)$ columnsが得られる。
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