論文の概要: The State of AI Ethics Report (January 2021)
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2105.09059v1
- Date: Wed, 19 May 2021 10:59:17 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2021-05-20 17:47:48.058775
- Title: The State of AI Ethics Report (January 2021)
- Title(参考訳): The State of AI Ethics Report (2021年1月)
- Authors: Abhishek Gupta ((1) and (2)), Alexandrine Royer ((1) and (3)), Connor
Wright ((1) and (4)), Falaah Arif Khan (1), Victoria Heath (1), Erick
Galinkin ((1) and (5)), Ryan Khurana (1), Marianna Bergamaschi Ganapini ((1)
and (6)), Muriam Fancy ((1), (7), and (8)), Masa Sweidan ((1) and (9)), Mo
Akif (1), and Renjie Butalid (1) ((1) Montreal AI Ethics Institute, (2)
Microsoft, (3) University of Oxford, (4) University of Exeter, (5) Rapid7,
(6) Union College, (7) University of Toronto, (8) University of Ottawa, (9)
McGill University)
- Abstract要約: State of AI Ethicsは、機械学習の専門家から人権活動家や政策立案者まで、あらゆる人たちを支援することを目的としている。
本報告の特筆すべき点は、Katlyn Tuner博士 (Research Scientist, Space Enabled Research Group, MIT)、Danielle Wood博士 (Assistant Professor, Program) による『The Abuse and Misogynoir Playbook』である。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 34.40432073381641
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: The 3rd edition of the Montreal AI Ethics Institute's The State of AI Ethics
captures the most relevant developments in AI Ethics since October 2020. It
aims to help anyone, from machine learning experts to human rights activists
and policymakers, quickly digest and understand the field's ever-changing
developments. Through research and article summaries, as well as expert
commentary, this report distills the research and reporting surrounding various
domains related to the ethics of AI, including: algorithmic injustice,
discrimination, ethical AI, labor impacts, misinformation, privacy, risk and
security, social media, and more.
In addition, The State of AI Ethics includes exclusive content written by
world-class AI Ethics experts from universities, research institutes,
consulting firms, and governments. Unique to this report is "The Abuse and
Misogynoir Playbook," written by Dr. Katlyn Tuner (Research Scientist, Space
Enabled Research Group, MIT), Dr. Danielle Wood (Assistant Professor, Program
in Media Arts and Sciences; Assistant Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics;
Lead, Space Enabled Research Group, MIT) and Dr. Catherine D'Ignazio (Assistant
Professor, Urban Science and Planning; Director, Data + Feminism Lab, MIT). The
piece (and accompanying infographic), is a deep-dive into the historical and
systematic silencing, erasure, and revision of Black women's contributions to
knowledge and scholarship in the United Stations, and globally. Exposing and
countering this Playbook has become increasingly important following the firing
of AI Ethics expert Dr. Timnit Gebru (and several of her supporters) at Google.
This report should be used not only as a point of reference and insight on
the latest thinking in the field of AI Ethics, but should also be used as a
tool for introspection as we aim to foster a more nuanced conversation
regarding the impacts of AI on the world.
- Abstract(参考訳): モントリオールAI倫理研究所のThe State of AI Ethicsの第3版は、2020年10月以来のAI倫理の最も重要な発展を捉えている。
さらに、The State of AI Ethicsには、大学、研究機関、コンサルティング会社、政府からの世界クラスのAI倫理専門家によって書かれた排他的コンテンツが含まれている。
このレポートの特筆すべき点は、Katlyn Tuner博士 (Research Scientist, Space Enabled Research Group, MIT)、Danielle Wood博士 (Assistant Professor, Program in Media Arts and Sciences; Assistant Professor, Aeronautics and Astronautics; Lead, Space Enabled Research Group, MIT)、Catherine D'Ignazio博士 (Assistant Professor, Urban Science and Planning; Director, Data + Feminism Lab, MIT)によって書かれた『The Abuse and Misogynoir Playbook』である。
このPlaybookの公開と対策は、AI倫理の専門家であるTimnit Gebru博士(およびその支持者)がGoogleで解雇された後、ますます重要になっている。
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この報告書の費用は、ハーバード大学のBarbara Groszが議長を務めるAI100 Standing Committee(AI100スタンディング委員会)のパネルに提出された。
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