Evaluating Recipes Generated from Functional Object-Oriented Network
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2106.00728v1
- Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2021 19:00:52 GMT
- Title: Evaluating Recipes Generated from Functional Object-Oriented Network
- Authors: Md Sadman Sakib, Hailey Baez, David Paulius, and Yu Sun
- Abstract summary: The functional object-oriented network (FOON) has been introduced as a knowledge representation, which takes the form of a graph.
To get a sequential plan for a manipulation task, a robot can obtain a task tree through a knowledge retrieval process from the FOON.
We compare the quality of an acquired task tree with a conventional form of task knowledge, such as recipes or manuals.
- Score: 4.94338660039249
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: The functional object-oriented network (FOON) has been introduced as a
knowledge representation, which takes the form of a graph, for symbolic task
planning. To get a sequential plan for a manipulation task, a robot can obtain
a task tree through a knowledge retrieval process from the FOON. To evaluate
the quality of an acquired task tree, we compare it with a conventional form of
task knowledge, such as recipes or manuals. We first automatically convert task
trees to recipes, and we then compare them with the human-created recipes in
the Recipe1M+ dataset via a survey. Our preliminary study finds no significant
difference between the recipes in Recipe1M+ and the recipes generated from FOON
task trees in terms of correctness, completeness, and clarity.
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