Average-Case Complexity of Tensor Decomposition for Low-Degree
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2211.05274v2
- Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2023 01:04:10 GMT
- Title: Average-Case Complexity of Tensor Decomposition for Low-Degree
- Authors: Alexander S. Wein
- Abstract summary: "Statistical-computational gaps" occur in many statistical inference tasks.
We consider a model for random order-3 decomposition where one component is slightly larger in norm than the rest.
We show that tensor entries can accurately estimate the largest component when $ll n3/2$ but fail to do so when $rgg n3/2$.
- Score: 93.59919600451487
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Suppose we are given an $n$-dimensional order-3 symmetric tensor $T \in
(\mathbb{R}^n)^{\otimes 3}$ that is the sum of $r$ random rank-1 terms. The
problem of recovering the rank-1 components is possible in principle when $r
\lesssim n^2$ but polynomial-time algorithms are only known in the regime $r
\ll n^{3/2}$. Similar "statistical-computational gaps" occur in many
high-dimensional inference tasks, and in recent years there has been a flurry
of work on explaining the apparent computational hardness in these problems by
proving lower bounds against restricted (yet powerful) models of computation
such as statistical queries (SQ), sum-of-squares (SoS), and low-degree
polynomials (LDP). However, no such prior work exists for tensor decomposition,
largely because its hardness does not appear to be explained by a "planted
versus null" testing problem.
We consider a model for random order-3 tensor decomposition where one
component is slightly larger in norm than the rest (to break symmetry), and the
components are drawn uniformly from the hypercube. We resolve the computational
complexity in the LDP model: $O(\log n)$-degree polynomial functions of the
tensor entries can accurately estimate the largest component when $r \ll
n^{3/2}$ but fail to do so when $r \gg n^{3/2}$. This provides rigorous
evidence suggesting that the best known algorithms for tensor decomposition
cannot be improved, at least by known approaches. A natural extension of the
result holds for tensors of any fixed order $k \ge 3$, in which case the LDP
threshold is $r \sim n^{k/2}$.
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