Hard Samples Rectification for Unsupervised Cross-domain Person
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2106.07204v1
- Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2021 07:38:42 GMT
- Title: Hard Samples Rectification for Unsupervised Cross-domain Person
- Authors: Chih-Ting Liu, Man-Yu Lee, Tsai-Shien Chen, Shao-Yi Chien
- Abstract summary: We propose a Hard Samples Rectification learning scheme which resolves the weakness of original clustering-based methods.
Our HSR contains two parts, an inter-camera mining method that helps recognize a person under different views (hard positive) and a part-based homogeneity technique that makes the model discriminate different persons but with similar appearance (hard negative)
By rectifying those two hard cases, the re-ID model can learn effectively and achieve promising results on two large-scale benchmarks.
- Score: 29.293741858274146
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Person re-identification (re-ID) has received great success with the
supervised learning methods. However, the task of unsupervised cross-domain
re-ID is still challenging. In this paper, we propose a Hard Samples
Rectification (HSR) learning scheme which resolves the weakness of original
clustering-based methods being vulnerable to the hard positive and negative
samples in the target unlabelled dataset. Our HSR contains two parts, an
inter-camera mining method that helps recognize a person under different views
(hard positive) and a part-based homogeneity technique that makes the model
discriminate different persons but with similar appearance (hard negative). By
rectifying those two hard cases, the re-ID model can learn effectively and
achieve promising results on two large-scale benchmarks.
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