On the Power of Preconditioning in Sparse Linear Regression
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2106.09207v1
- Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 02:12:01 GMT
- Title: On the Power of Preconditioning in Sparse Linear Regression
- Authors: Jonathan Kelner, Frederic Koehler, Raghu Meka, Dhruv Rohatgi
- Abstract summary: We show that a preconditioned Lasso can solve a large class of sparse linear regression problems nearly optimally.
For the first time, we construct random-design instances which are provably hard for an optimally preconditioned Lasso.
- Score: 24.140675945592704
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Sparse linear regression is a fundamental problem in high-dimensional
statistics, but strikingly little is known about how to efficiently solve it
without restrictive conditions on the design matrix. We consider the
(correlated) random design setting, where the covariates are independently
drawn from a multivariate Gaussian $N(0,\Sigma)$ with $\Sigma : n \times n$,
and seek estimators $\hat{w}$ minimizing $(\hat{w}-w^*)^T\Sigma(\hat{w}-w^*)$,
where $w^*$ is the $k$-sparse ground truth. Information theoretically, one can
achieve strong error bounds with $O(k \log n)$ samples for arbitrary $\Sigma$
and $w^*$; however, no efficient algorithms are known to match these guarantees
even with $o(n)$ samples, without further assumptions on $\Sigma$ or $w^*$. As
far as hardness, computational lower bounds are only known with worst-case
design matrices. Random-design instances are known which are hard for the
Lasso, but these instances can generally be solved by Lasso after a simple
change-of-basis (i.e. preconditioning).
In this work, we give upper and lower bounds clarifying the power of
preconditioning in sparse linear regression. First, we show that the
preconditioned Lasso can solve a large class of sparse linear regression
problems nearly optimally: it succeeds whenever the dependency structure of the
covariates, in the sense of the Markov property, has low treewidth -- even if
$\Sigma$ is highly ill-conditioned. Second, we construct (for the first time)
random-design instances which are provably hard for an optimally preconditioned
Lasso. In fact, we complete our treewidth classification by proving that for
any treewidth-$t$ graph, there exists a Gaussian Markov Random Field on this
graph such that the preconditioned Lasso, with any choice of preconditioner,
requires $\Omega(t^{1/20})$ samples to recover $O(\log n)$-sparse signals when
covariates are drawn from this model.
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