PAC Prediction Sets Under Covariate Shift
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- Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 23:28:42 GMT
- Title: PAC Prediction Sets Under Covariate Shift
- Authors: Sangdon Park and Edgar Dobriban and Insup Lee and Osbert Bastani
- Abstract summary: Uncertainty is important when there are changes to the underlying data distribution.
Most existing uncertainty quantification algorithms break down in the presence of such shifts.
We propose a novel approach that addresses this challenge by constructing emphprobably approximately correct (PAC) prediction sets.
- Score: 40.67733209235852
- License:
- Abstract: An important challenge facing modern machine learning is how to rigorously
quantify the uncertainty of model predictions. Conveying uncertainty is
especially important when there are changes to the underlying data distribution
that might invalidate the predictive model. Yet, most existing uncertainty
quantification algorithms break down in the presence of such shifts. We propose
a novel approach that addresses this challenge by constructing \emph{probably
approximately correct (PAC)} prediction sets in the presence of covariate
shift. Our approach focuses on the setting where there is a covariate shift
from the source distribution (where we have labeled training examples) to the
target distribution (for which we want to quantify uncertainty). Our algorithm
assumes given importance weights that encode how the probabilities of the
training examples change under the covariate shift. In practice, importance
weights typically need to be estimated; thus, we extend our algorithm to the
setting where we are given confidence intervals for the importance weights
rather than their true value. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach
on various covariate shifts designed based on the DomainNet and ImageNet
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