論文の概要: Tag, Copy or Predict: A Unified Weakly-Supervised Learning Framework for
Visual Information Extraction using Sequences
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2106.10681v1
- Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2021 11:56:46 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2021-06-22 16:01:05.655223
- Title: Tag, Copy or Predict: A Unified Weakly-Supervised Learning Framework for
Visual Information Extraction using Sequences
- Title(参考訳): tag, copy, predict: シーケンスを用いた視覚情報抽出のための統一的弱教師付き学習フレームワーク
- Authors: Jiapeng Wang, Tianwei Wang, Guozhi Tang, Lianwen Jin, Weihong Ma, Kai
Ding, Yichao Huang
- Abstract要約: TCPN(Tag, Copy, Predict Network)と呼ばれる弱教師付き学習フレームワークを提案する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 27.75850798545413
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Visual information extraction (VIE) has attracted increasing attention in
recent years. The existing methods usually first organized optical character
recognition (OCR) results into plain texts and then utilized token-level entity
annotations as supervision to train a sequence tagging model. However, it
expends great annotation costs and may be exposed to label confusion, and the
OCR errors will also significantly affect the final performance. In this paper,
we propose a unified weakly-supervised learning framework called TCPN (Tag,
Copy or Predict Network), which introduces 1) an efficient encoder to
simultaneously model the semantic and layout information in 2D OCR results; 2)
a weakly-supervised training strategy that utilizes only key information
sequences as supervision; and 3) a flexible and switchable decoder which
contains two inference modes: one (Copy or Predict Mode) is to output key
information sequences of different categories by copying a token from the input
or predicting one in each time step, and the other (Tag Mode) is to directly
tag the input sequence in a single forward pass. Our method shows new
state-of-the-art performance on several public benchmarks, which fully proves
its effectiveness.
- Abstract(参考訳): 近年,視覚情報抽出(VIE)が注目されている。
In this paper, we propose a unified weakly-supervised learning framework called TCPN (Tag, Copy or Predict Network), which introduces 1) an efficient encoder to simultaneously model the semantic and layout information in 2D OCR results; 2) a weakly-supervised training strategy that utilizes only key information sequences as supervision; and 3) a flexible and switchable decoder which contains two inference modes: one (Copy or Predict Mode) is to output key information sequences of different categories by copying a token from the input or predicting one in each time step, and the other (Tag Mode) is to directly tag the input sequence in a single forward pass.
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